Thursday, July 3, 2008

I apologize for the delay!

Hi everyone!

I hope my delay in a new post hasn't lost any readers! Since there's a lot to update on I'll try to summarize as best I can.

So we know up to Sunday...

I saw Greece on Monday. Yes, I went to an island. It was a last minute decision. Long story short, my friend, Abigail (who is serving with some other missionaries here in Greece and helps out at the ARC) was leaving on Tuesday and Monday was going to go to an island with her missionary hosts. Well, Mr. Sam (one of the missionaries) had been in Uganda the past week and had signs of malaria over the weekend (he's feeling better now!) and so Abigail wasn't going to have anyone to go to an island with (and you can't leave Greece without visiting an island!). So, we planned to go together (even though we had no idea what we were doing!). Luckily, Mr. Sam was feeling better and Mrs. Fran could join us (whew!).

We spent the day in Aegina, just 45 minutes by boat from Athens. It's the home of the world's best pistachios (the fields were quite beautiful)! We did a little shopping and then headed to a beach. This beach was much nicer than the Athens beach...amazingly blue water, white hot was great.

We then went back into town and found a little family restaurant. We ordered a Greek salad (of course!), eggplant dip and anchovies(!). I loved it all! We got some ice cream (of course) and then took the slow ferry back to the port. It was the most calming and beautiful ride...with the sea gulls following us the entire way home! Seeing God's creation, the fresh air, the water and the fellowship were a perfect way to spend a day off in Athens (and begin Week 4).

I decided not to go straight home, but to instead meet up with the team and help celebrate Canada and Independence Day with salad, burgers, potato salads, etc. It ended up being a long night, but was totally worth it.

Tuesday was another tea house day. It was one of the most difficult days. There were just a bunch of people, very hot and a limited number of team members. It was chaotic, but that's all part of the ministry experience! I left tea house early to open the house for a new team member. Lee, a 19 year old from Boston arrived on Tuesday. I'm thankful for her presence and am convinced she will do nothing but help speed up my time here (time flies when you're having fun after all!).

Yesterday, Wednesday, was a special project day so after running errands (going to the farmer's market) in the morning we headed to the ARC to organize closets and clean toys. (If anyone has any good craft ideas for beads or popsicle sticks, that would be helpful!) We arrived back home at about 7:30. All four roommates made supper, we moved the table out to the balcony to eat, play UNO and have ice cream. We also discovered the most amazing view from our roof...the Olympic Stadium in perfect sight!

Keep praying for my perseverance! (24 days and I will be greeting my family in Denver!)


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